This website is for the part of us seeking to see what is just over that next hill. The art shown on this website is from the world my buddy Charles creates. I hope you love his art as much as I do. Each new piece of art makes me so excited that I can’t help but jump up and down, do a little circle dance and then jump up for joy some more.


Little Bit

Charles was kind enough to let me hang with him this summer. It took a little bit of adjustment, but I’ve got him trained now. He knows when I need a treat, when to let me guard the perimeter of our home and more than anything else, when to get in the car, let our faces hang out the window and go on our next adventure. It’s a whole new world every day!!! He does see the world around us a little bit differently than me. His art shows me a part of what he sees. It’s like a whole new world!!